Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Make dropdownlist in yii framework

Oke let's take a look how to make a yii dropdownlist box. In yii you can easily build your dropdown list box using CHtml::dropdownListbox

Suppose you have a table of tbl_country

country_name | id
Indonesia        | 1
USA               | 2

And you want to add your data into a form in your model to show as a dropdown list. Just edit your _form files in your view and add this following code

       <div class="row">
  <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'country_id',
   CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'country_name'),
   array('empty'=>'Select Country'))?>
That's just simple to do with yii. Have to try it!..


  1. Hi but while updating the drop down value is not selected as per the insertion. It displays all the values but not selected value.
