I have to implements this to make the translation page. You can follow the instruction in that articles that not almost I discuss in this page.
But when I finish implement that step, I can make my own translation page on the protected/messages/<your language id>/<your category>.php files..
For the example :
The example of the translation page that I use like this
<?php /** * Bahasa Indonesia Yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan */ return array( //------NAVIGASI MENU------------// 'Home'=>'Beranda', 'About'=>'Tentang', 'Contact'=>'Kontak', 'Login'=>'Masuk', 'Logout'=>'Keluar', //-----------ISI KONTEN DEPAN------------------// 'What are You Looking For?'=>'Apa Yang Anda Cari?', 'Sell Your Products'=>'Mau Menjual Barang', 'Products'=>'Barang', 'Services'=>'Jasa' ); ?>
Oke when you finish that I use my native languages (Indonesian=ID) and than I can use that for my translation in my code using this example in your view files.
echo Yii::t('translation','Home');
Creating your first web site can be an intimidating task if you don't know where to start.
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